FAQ - Bella Chel Co

How Do I Place An Order?

Go shopping. Add to cart and then check out.  We accept Visa/Mastercard and Paypal through a secure server online that protects your information.  If you want to use Venmo, currently we are using @mellafsu.  Please call prior and we will send you an invoice to pay. We will accept Check and Money Orders which we will need you to please contact us so we can reserve your item and invoice you.  Once once payment has cleared our financial institution, we will ship your item.

    Secure Ordering & Payment Options

    We have a SSL secure ordering process. With Visa/Mastercard or PayPal.  We will offer Venmo, Checks and Money Orders but these are completed by emailing us so we can reserve your product and confirm price.​

      Payment and Shipping

      Shipping is Free on order over $75.00.  


        We would love to offer discounts and are looking for people to help promote through their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

          Willing to promote?  Basically, order a piece of jewelry at full price and once you post a picture tagging bellachel.com, we will email you a 15% discount code on your next order (up to 5 pieces).  After you make the post, please email us with the link and we will send you a discount code within 48 hours or sooner, Use the "Email Subject: Posted for Discount".

            Returns & Refunds

            All items are 100% Money Back Guarantee against damaged or broken items.  Items are handcrafted to withstand everyday wear. If you have a problem, please contact us.  We want you to have a great experience with BellaChel and share your experience with others. 

            Privacy Policy

            We promise to not sell nor give out your information that you use to purchase items from BellaChel.com

            We do reserve the right to email you information regarding your purchase and newsletter offer the option to join the newsletter.